Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saddle Ranch and Chill Out at my place

Albert Hammon sang a song, "It never rains in soutern california". Well, it was bullshit! For the second time since we reached LA, it rained! (The first time was when we went to disneyland -_-)
And the rain here doesn't last for 2 hours.. it bloody rains for 3 days at once. And the rain is intermittent, which makes it even more irritating! URGH. But we try to cope I guess!

But we had a dinner planned a saddle ranch, so we had to take a train to Universal City to get there. And being the lucky people we were, the tram was not running when we reached there, so we had to come a steep hill in the rain just to get to the place!!

Well, the food kinda sucked. I think I made better steak at home. HAH!! But it was a cool experience, with a sorority having dinner there and lots of nice cool people. There was also a mechanical bull which I almost conquered but got thrown off in a bit! (Check out facebook for a video!)

Like wow, and best of all I got to meet a russian guy when all of us came over to my place to chill for a while. He's like the first russian I've met in my life, and he's a PHD student. It's cool, and that crazy dude was complaining that he was HOT in LA. -_-.
And we did something crazy... we decided to go to hawaii today and just booked tickets and we'll leave next wed! So for all the Waikiki 09 emails I've been getting, too bad! I'm going to the real Waikiki. HAHA!

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